Dance Competition
“Australian Contemporary Folk Dances”
The T.S.D.A.V. Dance Composers’ Competition aims to promote the
composition of contemporary dances written in a traditional style.
The competition was first held in 1981.
Up until 1994 there was just one category. Since 1995 however,
there have been two judging categories in the Competition, for:
- General Social Dances (including Children's Dances)
- Dances for More Experienced Dancers.
Thanks are due to the Victorian Folk Music Club (V.F.M.C.) for their
continued support in providing the Beat Klippel Memorial Plaque
for the best dance in the General Social Dance category,
and the V.F.M.C. Perpetual Trophy for the winner of the dance
in the More Experienced Dance category,
as well as for the medallions which are presented to each of the winners.
2024 Dance Comp.
2024 Dance Comp. - entries WERE Judged at the NFF
We are seeking entries, in two categories, to this year's competition,
which we hope will again be judged at the National Folk Festival (@ Easter in Canberra)
Entries are judged in either of TWO categories: 'General' OR 'suitable for more experienced dancers'.
Entries should be received by George Ansell by 15th February 2024.
via - email:
It is really important for all entrants to obtain a copy of the Rules and Conditions of the competition
either from the link below, OR by phoning George Ansell on 03 9890 5650,
***** click this link for ~ Information for Entrants *****
2023 Dance Comp. - call for entries
***** see also below ~ Information for Entrants *****
~ Information for Entrants 2023 ~ TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition
The aim of this competition is to encourage the composition of good new Australian Social Dances.
Entries in the competition will compete for one of the following awards:
Beat Klippel Memorial Trophy - Dances suitable for general social dancing, including children’s dances
VFMC Perpetual Trophy - Dances suitable for more experienced dancers
The category of the dance can be nominated by the entrant, but this is not necessary as the category (and hence the award) will be at the discretion of the judges.
If there are more dances than can be judged in the time allotted, only short-listed dances will be judged at the competition. The short-list will be provided by the TSDAV from accepted entries prior to the competition.
The judging panel will consist of three judges appointed by the TSDAV. All competition dances shall be called by a Dance Caller appointed by the TSDAV. The TSDAV shall require that suitable recorded music be provided by the entrant for each dance. The decision of the judging panel is final.
Conditions of Entry
- Entries shall be a complete written description of the dance in the format below.
- Each entry is to be the recent, original work of the entrant.
- Only one entry per section shall be accepted from any entrant in any one year.
- Music for each entry shall be supplied by the entrant in the form of CD or other recording.
- Submission of a dance implies granting permission to the TSDAV, at its own discretion, to publish the dance and any original music for the dance at some future date.
Judging Criteria
- Enjoyment of the dance.
- Cohesion and flow of the dance.
- Suitability of the music for the dance, including:
- Suitability of the style and speed of the music for the stepping,
- Accuracy and fit of the dance sections to the music sections (bar count, timing, etc.).
- Ability of the ‘average’ dance musician to play music suitable for the dance.
- Relevance as an Australian Social Dance.
- Clarity, accuracy and reliability of the written instructions.
- Originality of innovation of the dance.
- Average time allocated for judging (teaching and dancing) for any one dance will be 10-15 minutes.
- Maximum time allocated for judging (teaching and dancing) for any one dance will be 20 minutes.
Format of Written Submissions
All entries shall include the following:
- Name of dance, composer and date of composition. Composer’s address, email and phone number.
- Brief background of the dance (if any and/or if relevant).
- Tradition inspiring the dance (e.g. Australian, Colonial, Irish etc.).
- Initial formation.
- Stepping required for the dance, or parts thereof.
- Music: Length in BARS for once through the dance; type of music (Scottish reel, waltz, etc.) and format (e.g. AABB)
- Speed of music (e.g. 46-48 bars per minute), number of repeats (if relevant).
- Instructions are to be clear, complete and unambiguous. Short calls should be underlined if included.
- Bar counts are to be EITHER:
- o Number of bars since the start of the dance, in the left hand column (e.g. Scottish Country Dance books), OR
- o Number of bars for each section at the end of that section (e.g. Shirley Andrews’ books).
- Diagrams (if supplied) are to be clearly labelled.
All entries for the 2023 Dance Composers' Competition to be received
at the following address by 27th February, 2023:
by email to -
* * * * * * *
TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition 2022
TSDAV Dance Comp. Report 2022.pdf
PDF document,
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2019 Dance Comp winners
Announcing the winners of this year's Dance Competition
Once again the competition had a very pleasant atmosphere on the Piazza.
The judges overall comment was “very varied entries this year”.
Their combined decision for the winner of the Beatrice Klippel Memorial Trophy for General Social Dance this year was Cecilia Johnson's dance "Floriade",
and the VFMC Perpetual Trophy for dances for More Experienced Dancers went to Keith Wood for his dance "Monkey Mia Dolphins".
The winners plaques were presented during the Final Concert at the National, and now, having been engraved, will be presented again during the Bundanoon DanceFest weekend, in June.
~ click here for link to full report.
Dance Comp winners for 2018
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TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition 2018
The TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition was held at the National Folk Festival in Canberra over Easter. The event again occupied 1 ½ hours on the new and expanded Piazza, from 9:30 on the Monday morning.
Our judges this year were Sheree Greenhill, Roger Gifford and Judith Bailie, and the presenters Paul Wayper and Don Richmond.
The dances this year were as varied and challenging as in previous events, with a keen and capable set of dancers ready to tackle the new Australian dances which were presented, danced and judged anonymously. Comments from the dancers and judges were collected with names of the devisors unknown and only announced after the judges had made and announced their decisions.
Paul presented four dances: Myer Christmas Windows by Margaret Crichton, The Rosny Waltz by Kathy Potter, Eureka by Keith Wood and Pavane 21 by John Carroll. The first three were written with this year’s National Folk Festival featured states in mind.
Don then presented the four other dances: Hilarity Two by Norm Ellis, Distant Hens by Kathy Potter, Green Apple Quickstep by Keith Wood, and Ladies of the Cross by Gary King. These last two were written with this year’s National Folk Festival featured states in mind, and the first using a trad Aussie tune.
The judges pronounced the Beatrice Klippel Memorial Trophy for General Social Dance should go to Keith Wood of Baulkham Hills for his Green Apple Quickstep, and the VFMC Perpetual Trophy for dances for more Experienced Dancers should go to Keith also, for Eureka, an advanced dance which showed the most enjoyment. Kathy Potter’s dance Distant Hens was pronounced a close runner-up.
George Ansell announced the winners of the competition in the Farewell Concert in the Budawang on the Monday evening, presenting the trophies to Keith Wood.
- George Ansell was the MC for the event.
2017 Dance Comp. Winners
Our 2017 Winners
Congratulations !
Norm Ellis presenting 2017 Dance Comp. winners with their Trophies, during the Sunday night Ball, at the Bundanoon DanceFest w/e.
Kathy Potter: "The Yarralinka" & Peter Gamble: "Mary's Lament".
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2017 Dance Comp Winners ~ full report
TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition 2017
The TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition was held at the National Folk Festival (NFF) in Canberra over Easter. It is rewarding and perfectly fitting with the Festival’s policy of supporting new Folk creation, that the artistic organisation of the Folk Festival has continued to support this competition. The event again occupied 1 ½ hours on the Piazza from 9:30 on the Monday morning.
Our judges this year were Maureen Morris, Sheree Greenhill and Bruce McClure, and the presenters were once again Paul Wayper and Don Richmond. Our MC for the event was George Ansell.
The entries this year were varied and challenging, and we had a keen and capable set of participants ready to tackle these new Australian dances.
The dances were presented, danced and judged anonymously. Comments from the participants were noted, whilst the names of the devisors remained unknown, and only announced after the judges had made and announced their decisions.
Paul presented three of his four dances: The Mademoiselle from Armentieres by Steve Bullock, Mary’s Lament by Peter Gamble, and Seandaoine nós by Mary Sullivan. A fourth dance was not presented due to time constraints.
After Paul’s four dances, Don presented four other dances: Queen Mandy's Dance by Margaret Crichton, Belgarth Waltz by Adriano Giacobetti, EnchaNTmeNT by Keith Wood, and The Yarralinka by Kathy Potter. These last two were written with this year’s National Folk Festival ‘featured States’ theme in mind.
The judges pronounced their verdict that the Beatrice Klippel Memorial Trophy for General Social Dance should go to Peter Gamble for his fine contra dance Mary’s Lament, and the VFMC Perpetual Trophy for dances for more Experienced Dancers go to Kathy Potter for her beautiful dance The Yarralinka. Keith Wood’s dance EnchaNTmeNT was pronounced a close runner-up
George Ansell announced the winners of the competition during the NFF’s Farewell Concert in the Budawang on the Monday evening, presenting the trophies to Peter Gamble and Kathy Potter.
Norm Ellis re-presented Kathy and Peter with their freshly engraved Trophies, and winner’s medallions, during the Sunday night Ball at the Bundanoon DanceFest.
2016 Dance Comp ~ winners announced at NFF Final Concert
We are pleased to report on the continuing support for DANCE at the National Festival, once again allowing TSDAV's George Ansell to announce the winners of our Dance Composers Competition during the final concert.
It is also of special interest to note in the 50th year of the National Folk Festival, that our TSDAV founding President, and mentor, Shirley Andrews (dec'd), was the chair person of the organising committee for the very first National ! Shirley started research into early Australian dances for the Victorian Folk Music Club (VFMC) in 1959, and in the '70s, published "Take Your Partners - Traditional Dancing in Australia".
We also thank the VFMC for continuing to support Shirley's legacy through the TSDAV, by sponsoring both of our dance awards.
and the winners were - ( see full report next item ! )
The Beatrice Klippel Memorial Award (General Social Dance) was won by Norm Ellis, for his dance "On Christmas Day in the Morning",
and the VFMC Perpetual Trophy (for a more challenging dance) was won by Keith Wood, for his dance "The Wide Brown Land".
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2019 Dance Comp winners ~ full report
TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition 2019
The TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition was held at the National Folk Festival in Canberra over Easter. The event ran for 1½ hours on the Piazza from 9:30 on the Monday morning.
Our judges this year were Heather Clarke, Sheree Greenhill, and Judith Bailie, and the presenters Paul Wayper and Don Richmond.
The judges pronounced the Beatrice Klippel Memorial Trophy for General Social Dance should go to Cecilia Johnson of Melbourne for Floriade, a circle of 4 or 5 couples, and the VFMC Perpetual Trophy for dances for more Experienced Dancers go to Keith Wood of Baulkham Hills for Monkey Mia Dolphins, a 5 couple set involving Dolphin-Reels. Cecilia Johnson’s dance Murchison River was commended in the Experienced Dancers section. All these dances had reference to this year’s featured state of the National.
The dances this year were as varied and challenging as in previous events. They had keen dancers ready to tackle them, and they were judged anonymously. Comments from the dancers and judges were collected, and winners pronounced, and names of the devisors only announced after the judges had made and given their decisions.
Paul presented: Swanee by Norm Ellis, Oban Ferries by John Carroll, and Murchison River by Cecilia Johnson. The first and last were written with this year’s National Folk Festival 'Featured States' in mind.
Don presented: Monkey Mia Dolphins by Keith Wood, Floriade by Cecilia Johnson, Sweetheart Waltz by Kathy Potter, and Along The Road To Canberra by Margaret Crichton. All these were written with this year’s National Folk Festival 'Featured States' in mind, the last using a well-known Aussie tune.
George Ansell announced the winners of the competition in the Farewell Concert in the Budawang on the Monday evening, presenting a trophy to Keith Wood and the trophy to Cecilia Johnson will be presented later.
MC for the event - George Ansell
~ Information for Entrants ~ 2024 TSDAV Dance Composers' Competition
Information for Entrants 2024.docx
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