2016 Dance Comp ~ winners announced at NFF Final Concert
We are pleased to report on the continuing support for DANCE at the National Festival, once again allowing TSDAV's George Ansell to announce the winners of our Dance Composers Competition during the final concert.
It is also of special interest to note in the 50th year of the National Folk Festival, that our TSDAV founding President, and mentor, Shirley Andrews (dec'd), was the chair person of the organising committee for the very first National ! Shirley started research into early Australian dances for the Victorian Folk Music Club (VFMC) in 1959, and in the '70s, published "Take Your Partners - Traditional Dancing in Australia".
We also thank the VFMC for continuing to support Shirley's legacy through the TSDAV, by sponsoring both of our dance awards.
and the winners were - ( see full report next item ! )
The Beatrice Klippel Memorial Award (General Social Dance) was won by Norm Ellis, for his dance "On Christmas Day in the Morning",
and the VFMC Perpetual Trophy (for a more challenging dance) was won by Keith Wood, for his dance "The Wide Brown Land".
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